Welcome to Our Site!

The Townhouses of Plantation Condominium Association


 We are a unique townhouse community located in the City of Plantation. Our amenities include a tennis court, play ground, pool, laundry facilities, and clubhouse.

  This site was created to give our residents and owners an effective way to find accurate community information. Please click on the Documents link above to download important documents (ie. the governing docs, monthly landscaping calendar).

Townhouses of Plantation Management Office - (954)300-8770


Please follow these instructions to register a guest vehicle to park in a yellow parking space at Townhouses of Plantation:

1. Click on this link – https://allcountytowing.omadi.com
2. Enter
               Username: (enter your building letter followed by your unit number with no spaces. For example, if you live                                  in Building F, Unit 4787, you would enter "F4787" in this field)
               Password: (enter the 8 digit pin number unique to your unit. RENTERS – if you do not know your pin                                            number, please contact your unit owner/landlord to obtain it.  OWNERS – you should have                                        received a letter and/or an email from the Association containing your pin number instructions.)

3. In the gray bar at the top of the page, click on "New Guest/Visitor THP"
4. Enter your information into the following fields:
    a. Start Date (enter the date AND time your guest vehicle will arrive)
    b. End Date (enter the date AND time your guest vehicle will depart)
    c. Press the "Calculate" button if you wish to see how many hours will be deducted from your balance based on             the information you entered in the previous two fields
    d. Vehicle (enter first field for Make, second field for Model)
    e. License Plate ( enter license tag number of guest vehicle with NO SPACES and select the state the license plate is registered to)
    f. Vehicle Color (select from the drop down menu the color of the guest vehicle)
    g. Email (enter the email address where you wish to have the printable guest permit emailed to)
5. Click "Save"
6. Log out of the Guest Registration System
7. Go to the email account you provided and print out the Guest Parking Permit that has been emailed to you. Make sure this permit is displayed in the passenger's side of the guest vehicle's dashboard during the duration of their time on the property.
8. Park the guest vehicle in any of the YELLOW PARKING SPACES marked "Guest" with the Guest Parking Permit displayed in the dashboard.

****************************Important Reminders********************************

Guest parking is VERY limited at Townhouses of Plantation, therefore Guest Parking Spaces/Permits are very limited as well. If the maximum number of Guest Spaces/Permits has already been used for the timeframe you are requesting, you will not be able to obtain a Guest Space/Permit for that time. Please continue trying for different timeframes that may be available.

Guest Parking Spaces/Permits are only available in 1 hour increments (no partial hours can be used).

Each unit only has a limited amount of Guest Parking Space hours. Please contact your owner/landlord to find out how many hours you have available to you.

Rental Application

Interested in one of our properties?

Apply online